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Support CTS

Being part of a community means being part of something bigger than yourself. Support and service for your community is not just something that we ask of our CTS parents, it is something that we teach our students from the very beginning of their time at Cheyenne. We value helpfulness and give our students daily opportunities to aid their peers at school and to contribute to the wider society as well.

We also give the same opportunities to our parent community. Through your gifts of time, talent and resources you show your support for our school. Volunteer opportunities are extensive and we encourage you to get involved in your children’s school in any way that you can.

Support of CTS’s fundraising effort is equally important. Fundraising makes up the difference between public school funding and offering additional opportunities to our students through cultural, social-emotional learning, arts and science events. It is our hope that every family or community member will contribute an amount that is meaningful for them.