All of Cheyenne’s Science courses will follow the Arizona State Science Standards as outlined by the Arizona Department of Education. To accomplish this, SUSD utilizes the following programs: FOSS (Full Option Science System) and SAVVAS Elevate Science Modules. For more information, please visit the following websites:
6th Grade
The units of study are:
Studying People Scientifically (SEPUP)
Populations & Ecosystems (FOSS)
Earth’s Place in the Universe (SAVVAS)
Structures and Properties of Matter (SAVVAS)
Weather and Water (FOSS)
7th Grade
The units of study are:
- Electromagnetism and Forces (FOSS)
- Gravity and Kinetic Energy (FOSS)
- Systems, Reproduction & Growth (SAVVAS)
- Earth Systems (SAVVAS)
8th Grade
The units of study are:
- Chemical Interactions (FOSS)
- Heredity & Adaptation (FOSS)
- Waves (FOSS)
- Changing Earth & Human Activity (SAVVAS)