AIR programs fill an essential niche in the school’s educational gestalt by providing an outlet for creative expression among the students commensurate in their rigor and sophistication with the school’s academic and social standards. The guest artist Will Clipman, provided a ten-day Myths & Masks Arist-in-Residency program for fourth grade Students at Cheyenne Tradition School. Students created a detailed and emotional mythical persona poem. They then painted their masks and decorate them with found 3-D objects, based on the images, emotions and ideas in their poems. The students then worked on an oral interpretation and their presentation skills as they prepare to present their mask and poems in front of a live audience. The students were also featured in the CTS news to advertise their work to other students and staff at Cheyenne Tradition School. Funding for this program is paid for in part by a grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts.
Mr. Clipman is an accomplished artist, poet and musician. As an arts educator he has been honored with the Arizona Commission on the Arts Decade of Distinguished Service Award and two Governor’s Arts Award Nominations. He is also a six time Grammy nominee. Will holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Syracuse University and a Master of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Arizona. Will lives in Tucson with his wife. For more information visit his website
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