CTS PTO is partnering with Minted this holiday season. Get 20% off all holiday cards and gifts with our exclusive discount code, FUNDRAISECTS and Minted will donate 15% back to CTS. Now that’s getting into the holiday spirit!
Questions? Contact ctsptofundraising@gmail.com

Download the Box Tops app to start earning money for CTS PTO! Simply open the app, search for Cheyenne Traditional School and scan your receipt. It will automatically scan for any participating products and credit your school’s earnings online. You can also earn Box Tops with digital receipts too if you shopped through the store’s app or ordered groceries for pickup or delivery. https://www.boxtops4education. com/

Mabel’s Labels – 20% of sales back to CTS PTO
Shop Mabel’s Labels and support CTS! 20% of sales are given back to CTS PTO! Visit campaigns.mabelslabels.com and select the Support a Fundraiser box on the top right side. Select Cheyenne Traditional School from the drop-down list. You will then be directed to a landing page with our school’s name.
Mabel’s Labels offers a wide variety of back-to-school products including name label and tag combos that peel and stick to clothing, lunch boxes, shoes and school supplies big and small. They’re durable, waterproof, laundry safe, and yes, they really do stay on! They even have allergy stickers available. And shipping is FREE!
Mabel’s Labels offers a wide variety of back-to-school products including name label and tag combos that peel and stick to clothing, lunch boxes, shoes and school supplies big and small. They’re durable, waterproof, laundry safe, and yes, they really do stay on! They even have allergy stickers available. And shipping is FREE!

Cheyenne has partnered with ShopRaise which gives a portion back to us whenever you do your normal shopping online at over 1,000 stores like Macy’s, Home Depot, Walmart, Alo, Athleta, Kohl’s and more!
Please help support Cheyenne PTO. Click on the link below to get the ShopRaise app and shop online to help us reach our fundraising goals. https://shopraise.com/support/ 589707
Please help support Cheyenne PTO. Click on the link below to get the ShopRaise app and shop online to help us reach our fundraising goals. https://shopraise.com/support/